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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
11CarteBRI4.1L. Brisson, J.F. PradeauDictionnaire Platonda
12CarteFIS2.1Fish, J.; Sanders, K.R. (ed.)Epicurus and the Epicureant traditionda
13CarteGUR1.1Guremen, R.; Jaulin, A. Aristote, L'Animal Politiqueda
14CarteHAH1.1R. HahnArchaeology and the Origins of Philosophyda
15CarteMCG2.1McGrade, Arthur S. ; Killcullen, John ; Kempshall, Matthew (ed.)The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Volume Two: Ethics and Political Philosophyda
16CarteMON7.1Montanari, F.The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greekda
17CarteSED1.1Sedley, D. (ed.)The Philosophy of Antiochusda